Tim Power was born in Montreal, Quebec in 1983. He moved with his family to California in 1986 and has since lived extensively in Canada and the United States. This dual perspective, a sense of being both inside and outside the American experiment, has very much informed his work, much of which is convened with American history, though he can't say how exactly at this point.
Bachelor of Arts in History, Minor in Photography.
(2011) Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Master of Fine Arts.
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA. (2011-2013)
Work Experience:
Teaching assistant for Photography 331: Large Format Photography. Course given by Clara Gutsche at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Fall 2010.
Selected Exhibitions:
2009 Structures of Power. Galerie Armatta, 5282A Avenue du Parc, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2013 Dispatches From an Unfinished Landscape. Presented as part of the California College of the Arts MFA Thesis Exhibition, May 17-27, 1111 Eighth St, San Francisco, CA.
2009 16. Galerie Art Mur, 5826 rue St-Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2008 Environment adj. Presented as part of the Art Matters festival at Galerie Art Mur, 5826 rue St- Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2008 Canada's Got Treasures! In collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Submitted a piece titled It was just a dream.....
2009 Portraits of Abandonnment., Erin O'Callahan. Review of Structures of Power. As published in The McGill Daily, newspaper of McGill University, Monreal, Quebec, Canada. October 05, 2009.